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The Benefits of Leasing a Coffee Machine in the UK: A Brew-tiful Decision

Lease Or Buy A Coffee Machine

To Lease Or Not To Lease

The UK has long been a nation of tea drinkers, but in recent years, there has been a surge in coffee consumption, with coffee shops popping up on every corner. This coffee revolution has spread to businesses, offices, and retail spaces alike, where providing a quality cup of coffee is now a necessity. One increasingly popular option is leasing a coffee machine.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of leasing a coffee machine in the UK...


1) Cost-Effective Solution

Purchasing a high-quality commercial coffee machine outright can be a significant financial investment. Leasing, on the other hand, offers a more budget-friendly option. By spreading the cost over a fixed term, businesses can avoid high upfront costs and enjoy a more manageable monthly payment. Additionally, leasing often includes regular maintenance, ensuring the equipment remains in optimal condition without extra expense.

2) Tax Advantages

Leasing a coffee machine can offer tax benefits for UK businesses. Lease payments can be classified as a business expense, allowing companies to offset these payments against their taxable profits. This can result in significant tax savings, making leasing an even more attractive proposition.

3) Access to Top-Quality Equipment

Leasing a coffee machine grants businesses access to cutting-edge technology without breaking the bank. High-quality equipment can improve the overall coffee experience, providing the best possible taste and aroma for employees and customers alike. Upgrades and new models become more accessible, enabling businesses to stay competitive in a fast-paced market.

4) Flexibility and Scalability

Leasing a coffee machine in the UK provides flexibility for businesses, with the ability to upgrade or change machines as needs evolve. This is particularly beneficial for growing businesses, which may require larger, more advanced machines as their customer base expands. Moreover, if a business moves to a new location, it's often easier to arrange relocation or replacement of leased equipment.

5) Maintenance and Support

One of the most significant benefits of leasing a coffee machine is the maintenance and support often included in the agreement. Regular servicing by trained technicians ensures the equipment stays in peak condition, reducing the risk of breakdowns and downtime. In the event of a malfunction, a prompt response from the leasing company minimises disruption to the business.

6) Sustainable and Eco-Friendly

Leasing a coffee machine can contribute to a business's sustainability efforts. Businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and cut energy costs by choosing energy-efficient models. Additionally, leasing companies often take responsibility for the disposal and recycling of end-of-lease machines, ensuring they are dealt with in an eco-friendly manner.


Lease Business Coffee Machine


Leasing a coffee machine in the UK offers numerous benefits for  businesses, including cost savings, tax advantages, access to top-quality equipment, and flexibility. Business owners can focus on their core operations while providing a consistently excellent coffee experience. In today's coffee-driven world, leasing a coffee machine is a brew-tiful decision for UK businesses.


Our Leasing Partner

Here at brüud, we have long been partnering with Tower Leasing Ltd to provide a wide range of leasing options for all of our equipment. With access to funds for new start businesses, sole traders and SMEs, along with highly competitive rates, we can help finance your next WMF coffee machine over a period that works for you.

Check out our WMF coffee machine range and submit an enquiry or contact us; we’ll be happy to help.

Leases are available between two and six years with monthly or quarterly payment options. Payments can be made via direct debit or invoice payments. For more information on Tower Leasing, and the benefits of leasing, visit their website at: www.towerleasing.co.uk




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